We welcome in 2025 and all the new opportunities and challenges this will bring. We know that God is with us in all that we do.
We invite you to come along to any of our services or events. The Community Café on Fridays continues to be very popular so perhaps put this in your diaries.
Our Sunday worship continues to be creative as we explore together our Christian Faith. It is suitable for all ages and on most Sundays we run activities for young people in our Hall. The children start off in Church and then go into Hall for their own fun. We always serve refreshments after Sunday services. Café Church is special when you also get breakfast!
Time Together Tuesdays starts again on February 25th. This group provides time for mums to chat, relax, share and support each other before school pick-up. Then there is still time for children to play together and have a snack after school.
We were pleased that our filled Shoeboxes were delivered to Bulgaria and Romania in December so very many thanks to everyone who donated, and Simon, from Computers for Charities, for driving to these countries. We gave around 50 packed boxes which was excellent!
Please remember and pray for all that we are doing to share the love of God in our community.
Paul Burson