Our weekly activities provide meeting and sharing points for all ages and newcomers are always made welcome.
2nd and 4th 2:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday Fun and Friendship
This social club is a very relaxed group and there are plenty of games to play Scrabble, jig saws, table tennis, snooker, darts, knitting, table games etc with refreshments in the middle. Everyone welcome, £1 per session. Leader: Joan Turnwell (01424 216456)
Wednesday (1st in month) 12:30pm onwards, Ladies Who Lunch
Monthly meeting for all ladies of the church and wider family, bringing a themed dish for lunch and spending time together. Leader: Chris Cox (01424 220524)
In addition to the weekly/fortnightly meetings there are several other activities that take place during the year. See DIARY.
Early Spring Bank Holiday Festival of Flowers– Come and enjoy the flowers, the stalls, the refreshments over the Bank Holiday weekend. Over 1,000 visitors every year!
Home Grown Concerts - A traditional annual concert put on by members of the Church family – comedy, song, skits, music as well as a supper! |