Our History
The Church is built on a site, ownership of which was the subject of a great struggle between a firm of brewers and the Temperance Movement at the turn of the 20th century.
Mr Marshall Jay bought the site to ensure victory for the temperance forces. The land was presented to the Primitive Methodist Connection, and with generous financial backing from Mr Jay, plus gifts and labour from members and friends, Christchurch, Springfield Road, was dedicated and opened on 20th March 1907.
Our Services
Christchurch has regular Sunday services each week at 10.30 a.m., and on the third Sunday monthly this is a special Family Service. Holy Communion is celebrated regularly. For details of this month's Services, please read our Services page.
Christchurch Junior Church
Children and young people are always most welcome at the church although at the present time we do not have a set Junior Church. However, facilities are available in the church vestibule and equipment on hand for use by the children. On the third Sunday our 10.30am service takes the form of a Family service in which all age groups are involved. Please also read our Safeguarding Policy.
Christchurch Prayer Chain
We have a prayer chain. Any requests for prayers can be made to Sandy Willard, 01424 215031.
Christchurch Service on CD
Our morning Services are recorded on compact disc. If you are unable to come to a Service, we are very happy to make these recordings available to you on request. Please contact the Senior Steward if you would like to receive a recording.
The Christchurch Messenger

Our monthly magazine tells you all that is going on, and is a good read. If you would like a regular copy, please ask us via the Contacts page.