Money & Property Matters – and Barry’s Babblings
I almost decided to give you a rest from reading my 'Babblings' but I didn't want to disappoint you, my readers!! I also thought that you would like to know that Peter Watson and I have been doing a clearing out job in Centenary House - and we found a few treasures! There was a box full of past Messengers and I have been reading the issue dated September 2000 - the start of that Methodist Year.
At that time our Minister was Rev Roger Leslie and the Senior Steward Mrs Jill Read. The place was quite vibrant with Playgroup, Open House, Parent and Toddler group, Ladies Friendship Club, Tuesday Adventurers, Bible Study group, Ladies Supper Club, Wesley Guild and two services every Sunday!
Most of the kind folk who ran these groups are now in glory, but we still have some wonderful memories of those times. I notice that we held a 'Mission in the sun' Garden Party that raised £340 divided between Home and Overseas Missions. Our circuit presented 'Hopes and Dreams' at St Mary-in-the-Castle that explored the Lord's Prayer with the help of Shades.
Wendy Gorham wrote an article about the Festival Choir seeking a volunteer to accompany the singers - this was the forerunner of the Christchurch Singers.
Linked with the Bexhill Carnival we held a Christchurch Fun Day with a red balloon race and the balloons that travelled the furthest were all found in parts of France! Another interesting aspect was the compilation of the Circuit Strategy called 'Summary of Local Church Reviews'. Well, that was the start of the Millenium and we are now 25 years down the road in 2025.
As the hymn says 'We'll praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that's to come'. I still feel that there is much to come from Christchurch. Zoom was not a word in 2000 and now we have a ZOOM quiz each month - do try and join in from the comfort of your own home - next one is on Friday February 21st at 7pm.
Talking of words - try to think of some of the words that have been introduced/invented since 2020 - like: woke, furlough, unconscious bias, PPE, WFH and Fake News.
Quite enough of my Babblings but it is good to look back and to take the best of the past and to bring it to the present and future. As the slogan says 'Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, which is why it's called the present'.
Barry Turnwell, Church Treasurer and a Property Steward