Money & Property Matters – and Barry’s Babblings
It is pleasing to see the new Audio/Visual equipment in full use with very clear pictures. We just await the final installation of the full WiFi system that will be available in both the church and the main hall. Our thanks to all who have made the move possible.
A meeting of the Finance and Property Committee is required as various matters urgently require our ongoing attention - we even have a lovely buddleia growing out of the church roof and this must be removed asap! Clearly that bush and other roof problems are aggravating the damp that is seen in the church.
On a more positive note, we are busy planning for the Christmas celebrations. On Sunday 1st December I will be pleased to lead the Advent Carol service. Elsewhere you will read of the various services etc and hopefully they will all be well attended. We are grateful to those who erect the candle holders, decorate the new Christmas tree that we have purchased, and those who make the church so appealing with flowers and decorations.
On Friday 13th December there will be the Christmas Zoom Quiz night at 7pm - do try to join with us without leaving the comfort of your own lounge chair!
I am sure that you will read elsewhere about some of our folk who have transferred to glory in recent weeks. We remember John Cox, Christine Harvey-Holbrook, Sylvia Emery and others, as well as their family and friends. May God richly bless them.
As we come to the end of another year may I thank all who contribute to the finances and work of Christchurch. This is much appreciated and if you wish to become a regular donor, I will be pleased to explain the various ways in which this can be achieved.
One of the statements that we find in the Christmas story is 'Fear Not' - interestingly this phrase (or very similar) is recorded 365 times in the Bible - that number feels familiar doesn't it! Yes - one for every day of the year.
Every blessing and Christian love to you all, for Advent and Christmas... and for 2025 as well.
Barry Turnwell, Church Treasurer and a Property Steward